
Fire Prevention

Smoke detectors -- If you do not have them now, purchase them and check them periodically for low or dead batteries. The number needed depends upon the size of your facility.
Fire Extinguishers -- Keep approved fire extinguishers available and make sure that all employees are trained to use them.
Use extension cords only as a temporary move and be sure that they are not overloaded and have frays or naked wires.
Post emergency telephone numbers by phones and acquaint all employees on how to use the
9-1-1 number and 191 for Thailand.
Evacuation plan -- We encourage and recommend in our visits to have an evacuation plan posted by all exits and in your auditorium areas. This is for outside guests or attendees and new employees. Regular employees normally would know their location, but in an emergency, with the possibility of smoke and/or fire, one might get disoriented and the posted plan would be an added assistance to exit.
Exit Routes -- In addition to the Evacuation Plan, we should be familiar with escape routes, especially in the case of facilities located in second floor buildings.
Circuit boxes -- Always keep all circuit boxes open and free of obstructions in front of the doors, in case you should need to cut the power in an emergency.
Panic -- Do not panic, remain as calm as possible.
Head count -- Leave the facility as safely and quickly as possible. When you are clear of the building, get a head count of people to account for all the folks that were in the facility at the outbreak of the fire or emergency.

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